Tommy Gore’s Life-Saving Experience

Tommy Gore shares his life-saving ER experiences at Singing River Health System, rated #1 on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for overall hospital care.
Moss Point resident Tommy Gore still doesn’t know what happened to him one Saturday afternoon last February, but he knows it quickly turned into a matter of life and death.
“I had been home about thirty minutes after visiting a feed store when it hit me,” said Tommy. “My tongue started swelling first, and then I couldn’t swallow.”
He knew immediately he must have been having an allergic reaction and set out for Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula.
Upon arrival, Tommy was rushed into the care of Dr. Stephen Boskovich, DO, an emergency medicine physician with Singing River Health System.
Luckily, his body showed signs of responding to medication after his nurse, Katherine Shaver, successfully administered an IV.
This was the second time Tommy found himself in the care of Singing River Health System. In 2006, he successfully underwent quadruple bypass surgery following a heart attack.
“Two times they came through for me. I have always had excellent care here. Dr. Boskovich was with me through the whole ordeal, and the nurses–both Katherine and Chris–were superior.”
In 2016, CareChex® – a division of Comparion®, recognized Singing River Health System as ranking #1 on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for overall hospital care, one of 58 total achievements awarded.
The emergency department of Singing River Health System was not only the first to open in the state, but remains the largest today with over 21 Jackson County physicians serving over 106,000 patients yearly across the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Emergency services are available 24 hours a day at both Ocean Springs Hospital and Singing River Hospital for the Jackson County community and surrounding areas. The care team includes trauma specialists, radiologists, orthopedists/orthopedic surgeons, oncologists, neurologists and mental health physicians, and every nurse has advanced training in stroke, STEMI, trauma and adult and pediatric cardiac care.
“What truly sets Singing River Health System’s care team apart is that we live in the community, are involved in the community, and we see our role as a vocation that personifies the spiritual gift of mercy,” adds Dr. Boskovich. “I am so proud to be a part of this team.”
Discover more about Singing River Health System’s emergency care services.