The BEE Award
Did you receive exceptional care or service from a member of Singing River’s support staff? Show your appreciation by nominating them for The Bee Award!

About The BEE Award for Exceptional Staff
Singing River Health System is establishing the BEE Award to recognize all of our nursing support staff. The BEE Award is presented throughout the year to honor the extraordinary care provided by those that go above and beyond to make an impact outside their daily duties.
The support of other care providers is the foundation upon which a patient’s healthcare team can maintain phenomenal care and advocacy.
Just as the DAISY cannot survive without the Bee, the nurses cannot thrive without the outstanding teamwork provided by supporting healthcare professionals.
Who is Eligible?
The BEE Award recipients exemplify quality service and extraordinary care to the patients and their families creating a great experience. These professionals consistently demonstrate the mission and core values of Singing River Health System by Improving Health and Saving Lives.
Those eligible for the BEE award include all hospital employees outside of nursing.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Nursing assistants
- Therapists
- Transporters
- Housekeepers
- Dietary
- Physicians
Nominate an Exceptional Team Member
The BEE Award is meant to honor any staff that supports nurses in our facilities. If you think a team member goes above and beyond to help nurses care for patients, let us know who it is and what they do for our nurses! If you’d like to nominate a nurse, please visit the Daisy Award page.