World-Renowned Spine Expert Assists Dr. Joseph Cox During Innovative PTP Procedure at Ocean Springs Hospital

World-renowned spine expert and surgeon Dr. Luiz Pimenta traveled to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, to scrub in with Singing River and Bienville Orthopaedic Spine Specialist Dr. Joseph Cox. Together, the two performed spine surgery using the prone transpsoas (PTP) technique Dr. Pimenta helped create and taught Dr. Cox during his training.
PTP is a safe and effective minimally invasive approach to spine surgery commonly used to reverse failed attempts of past spine procedures. Proven to help ease patient’s back pain and get them on their feet faster – improving their quality of life. Benefits during the procedure are less risk of complications, blood loss, and time under anesthesia.
Bienville Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon Joseph Cox, MD, and the Singing River Health System Team performed the first spine surgery using Prone Transpsoas or PTP in Mississippi back in August 2020. PTP is a safe and effective approach to ease pain faster and improve the posture of those who undergo this minimally invasive procedure.
To schedule a consultation with an orthopedic specialist, please contact our partners at Bienville Orthopaedics at 228-230-BONE (2663) or by visiting