Heartburn Treatment Center & GI Lab
Singing River Digestive Health’s Heartburn Treatment Center & GI Lab is dedicated to using the latest diagnostic technology in order to diagnose and treat heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. Take the first step to living a life free of stomach pain and heartburn by asking your doctor about an appointment.
Get Answers About Your Digestive Issues at Our Gastrointestinal Laboratory
If you have issues with acid reflux, ulcers, colitis, constipation or diarrhea, testing at the Heartburn Treatment Center & GI Lab may help with a proper diagnosis. Speak with your gastroenterologist about being referred for specialized diagnostic testing at Singing River Digestive Health.
Diagnostic Testing Procedures
Acid Reflux (GERD) Study
24 Hour Esophageal pH Test

How the Test Works
The 24-hour esophageal pH test is an outpatient procedure performed to measure the pH or amount of acid that flows into the esophagus from the stomach during a 24-hour period.
Learn more about the 24-Hour Esophageal pH Test
Test Results
This test is the “gold standard” for determining Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Upper GI Endoscopy
How the Test Works

This test inspects your esophageal lining. During an Upper GI Endoscopy, while you are awake, a long, flexible tube called an endoscope is inserted into your mouth and down your throat. The tube has a light and a video camera on the end. The endoscope is slowly pushed down your esophagus into your stomach.
Test Results
Your provider will view images of your esophageal lining from the scope on a monitor in order to check for potential damage. They will be able to see potential inflammation of the lining, ulcers, Barrett’s Esophagus, cancer, and more.
PillCam™ SB 3
Recorded Images from Inside Your Upper Digestive System

How the Test Works
The PillCam™ SB 3 allows your provider to have direct visualization of your small bowel. This is a non-invasive alternative procedure to the traditional endoscopy that takes about 20 minutes in the office. The procedure also requires no sedation, and recovery is immediate.
The PillCam™ SB 3 is a smooth, plastic capsule about the side of a large vitamin pill. It communicates with a sensor belt that is worn across your abdomen. First, you swallow the pill with water. Then, the pill glides down the esophageal tract taking pictures. These are transmitted to the recording device worn by the patient.
The patient will leave wearing the recording device and return 8-12 hours later to return the device.
Test Results
The doctor will then download the images from the recorder. They will review the images in order to make a definitive diagnosis of your condition, which may include Chron’s disease, Colitis, GERD, or Barrett’s Esophagus. The pill is disposable and will pass naturally, usually within 24 hours.
Esophageal Manometry
How the Test Works
This test measures the strength and muscle coordination of your esophagus. This test involves a small diameter tube passed through the nose into the esophagus. The nose and throat of the patient are numbed prior to this procedure. Once the tube is in position, the patient is asked to swallow.
We measure the function of your esophagus by using the pressure readings of its contractions. We measure how well it works by taking pressure readings of the muscle contractions. We also record “lower esophageal sphincter pressure,” or LES.
Test Results
This test will determine wether you are experiencing a problem with your esophagus or the function of the LES.
Anorectal Function Testing – Manometry

How the Test Works
This test is for patients who are experiencing constipation or fecal incontinence in order to measure the strength of their anal muscles. During the test, a thin tube with pressure sensors with a balloon attached to one end is inserted into your rectum.
Test Results
The tube attached to the machine will tell you the following information about your anus/rectum:
- The sensitivity of your rectum and how well it works
- The tightness of muscles around your anus
- How well those muscles respond to nerve signals.