Ear, Nose & Throat
Our growing Otolaryngology program offers patients treatment for a variety of issues affecting the ear, nose, and throat.

Pediatric and Adult Surgery for the Head and Neck
Our Board Certified Head and Neck surgeons perform surgical procedures in the new, world-class operating facilities at Ocean Springs Hospital.
Ear Tubes (Tympanostomy)
Does your child suffer from chronic ear infections? Ear Tubes are a common and effective surgical procedure for children with chronic fluid buildup behind their eardrums. Tubes are hollow cylinders placed inside of the eardrum. They work by ventilating the middle ear and preventing the accumulation of fluid.
Other Ear procedures include:
- Eardrum Repair
- Eardrum Reconstruction
Sinus Surgery
Your sinuses may be blocked or enflamed for a number of reasons, but two major reasons are Sinusitis (a Sinus infection) and nasal polyps. If you have ongoing and recurring sinus infections or polyps, surgery may be an option for you. Endoscopic surgery can help remove tissues that are obstructing your sinuses.
Other Nose procedures include:
- Vocal cord repair (Laryngoplasty)
- Deviated Septum Repair (Septoplasty)
- Nasal Valve Reconstruction
- Nose fracture
- Rhinoplasty
Pediatric Thyroid
We treat children and adolescents with thyroid disease, including thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, and more.
We are experienced in parathyroidectomy, the removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands located on the back of the thyroid gland in the neck. This is the most effective treatment for parathyroid tumors or overactive glands, aka hyperparathyroidism.
Other Throat procedures include:
- Tonsillectomy
- Adenoidectomy
- Thyroidectomy (full and partial)