Interventional Pain Management

Take control of your pain with a tailored plan from Singing River’s Interventional Pain Management.

Singing River Health System’s Interventional Pain Management helps to address chronic pain in patients across the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Because chronic pain affects so many different aspects of a patient’s life, often an integrated approach that treats not only the pain itself, but the whole person can have the best outcomes when it comes to managing pain.

Common types of treatments include:

Spinal InjectionsOral Medications
Behavioral/Mental Health EvaluationTherapy
Muscle InjectionsNerve Blocks
Joint InjectionsRadiofrequency Ablation
CryoablationIntegrated & Coordinated Care
with Other Physicians

Talk to your doctor about getting a referral to see an Interventional Pain Management specialist if you have unmanageable pain related to:

Back PainNeck Pain
Leg Pain/SciaticaJoint Pain
Hip/Knee ArthritisShoulder/Elbow Pain
Overuse InjuryCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
Muscle SpasmWork-Related Injury
Rheumatic disease