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BioTE Open House – Hormone Replacement Therapy

Singing River Weight Loss Center 1124 Oakleigh Rd., Ocean Springs, MS, United States

You are invited to an informal meet and greet at Singing River Weight Loss Center to ask questions you may have regarding bioTE—the latest hormone replacement pellet therapy. Come learn about all of the benefits […]


Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage Seminar

Singing River Gulfport 15200 Community Rd., Gulfport, MS, United States

If you are nearing retirement or looking to optimize your healthcare coverage, this seminar will equip you with the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision about your healthcare options.


Bereavement Support Group

Hospice of Light - Ocean Springs 1121 Ocean Springs Rd., Ocean Springs, MS, United States

Dealing with grief after loss? Join our free bereavement support group.


Bereavement Support Group

Pascagoula Senior Center 1912 Live Oak Ave, Pascagoula, MS

Dealing with grief after loss? Join our free bereavement support group.


Bariatric Support Group: Track Your Progress

Singing River Weight Loss Center 1124 Oakleigh Rd., Ocean Springs, MS, United States

Track your progress! Learn food tracking apps and how to measure yourself with measuring tape.


Diaper and Wipe Drive

Help Stock Our Diaper and Wipe Bank for Mothers in Need Singing River Health System's community diaper bank distributes diapers and wipes to groups that support children in our area. To help replenish our bank, […]

FREE Childbirth Class

Pascagoula Hospital 2809 Denny Ave., Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

In this FREE course, expectant parents will learn about the stages of labor, delivery, and recovery along with the different types of anesthesia available. You will learn about your newborn’s appearance, general newborn care, and safe […]


FREE Breastfeeding Class

Pascagoula Hospital 2809 Denny Ave., Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

Breastfeeding is a great option for mothers and babies, but it’s not always easy. Get a head start with this FREE course where you'll discover and discuss breastfeeding basics, from what to expect to how […]


Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage Seminar

Ocean Springs Hospital 3109 Bienville Blvd., Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States

If you are nearing retirement or looking to optimize your healthcare coverage, this seminar will equip you with the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision about your healthcare options.


National Donate Life Month – Flag Ceremony

Join us at Ocean Springs Hospital at 10:30am for a flag raising ceremony that honors and commemorates organ donors and recipients in our community.
