Chargemaster Pricing Transparency

Guest Estimates

Receive an estimate on a procedure you are needing based on your insurance provider through MySingingRiver with or without an active account.

Patients should contact their medical insurance provider to get further details about the possible cost of their care, including healthcare providers in- and out-of-network and covered services. Patients should also talk with their insurance provider to understand which costs will be covered by insurance and which will be the patient’s responsibility.

Patients without medical coverage will find details regarding our hospital’s financial assistance policy here.

Singing River Health System may also offer cash pricing for identified procedures. If the information provided by contacting the insurance company is not sufficient and more detail is needed regarding the cost of your care, or understanding of coverage and patient responsibility, please contact our Financial Counselors at 228-769-5822 or 228-818-6065 or 228-809-6023.

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