“Shine a Light” for Organ Donation at Round Island Lighthouse on Thursday, April 12

City of Pascagoula, Singing River Health System to “Shine a Light” for Organ Donation at Round Island Lighthouse
April is Donate Life Month
Pascagoula, MS – Mayor Dane Maxwell along with officials from Singing River Health System and the MS Organ Recovery Agency (MORA) will gather at the Round Island Lighthouse in Pascagoula on April 12 at dusk to light the city in blue and green, the theme colors for “Donate Life Month” across the nation.
Singing River Health System has earned the MORA SPERO Award in prior years for their work in coordinating the gift of life with families of donors and recipients. “Losing a loved one is so very difficult, but helping to honor their final wishes by donating organs is an honor for us and their families,” said Susan Russell, Chief Nursing Officer for Singing River Health System.
“We’re grateful to the City of Pascagoula for acknowledging Donate Life Month and the important work of MORA across our state,” Russell said. “We work hand in hand with the MORA Team to make this ultimate gift a tribute to the patient and his or her family and encourage everyone to register as an organ donor.”
Details for the lighthouse ceremony are as follows:
City of Pascagoula Donate Life Lighthouse Ceremony
Thursday, April 12 at 7:15 pm
Round Island Lighthouse, Pascagoula
For more information on organ donation, see the MORA website at http://www.msora.org/