Eric Letonoff, DO

Orthopedic Surgeon


Eric Letonoff, DO, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with over 25 years of experience in orthopedic surgery. His medical training began at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, followed by an internship at Scott Air Force Base Medical Center in Illinois and a residency in Orthopedic Surgery at St. John’s Oakland General Hospital in Madison Heights, MI.

A retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Dr. Letonoff served as a flight surgeon in Guam and as Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Keesler Air Force Base.

Since 2002, Dr. Letonoff has been based on the Gulf Coast, where his practice has included orthopedic surgery at military hospitals, public health systems, and private clinics. Experienced in treating diverse populations, he provides expert care to patients of all ages, addressing conditions ranging from broken bones to chronic knee pain to congenital disorders.

His surgical interests include sports medicine, joint replacement of the hip, knees, and shoulders, trauma, foot and ankle surgery, and hand surgery, including carpal tunnel.



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