Medical Weight Management

Looking for non-surgical weight loss options? We’ve got you covered.

Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options on the Mississippi Gulf Coast | Weight Loss Medication | Medical Weight Loss | Weight Loss Nutrition

You may be exploring other options before you make the commitment to weight loss surgery. For this reason, Singing River Weight Loss Center provides several non-surgical weight loss options and programs.

Weight Loss Medication

Our specialized team are experts in supporting you during your weight loss journey. We can offer a variety of weight loss medication options, including semaglutide and tirzepatide, more commonly known as Wegovy and Zepbound.

These once-a-week injections can be a game-changer for individuals who have struggled to lose weight through traditional lifestyle change approaches alone.

Nutrition Guidance

Our practice offers a multidisciplinary approach to the weight loss journey, including guided nutrition services led by our in-house Registered Dietitian. Our program focuses not only on weight loss but puts a new focus on your overall healthcare. We are passionate about being proactive with your health and aim to prevent weight related health issues.

Participating in the surgical path requires a significant change in diet and lifestyle to safely and healthfully reach your goal weight. Your binder will go into more detail about this once you become a patient. Between the initial evaluation for weight loss surgery and surgery day, take the time to become as prepared as possible for the lifestyle modifications and health behaviors that we know equate to a safe and successful long term weight loss.

We recommend that you begin adapting your current diet pattern and health behaviors now to prepare for this change.

Make an Appointment

Start your weight loss journey by filling out a new patient packet. After you’ve submitted your information, Singing River Weight Loss will reach out to schedule your first appointment.

New Patient Packet